Thursday, 16 July 2015

Dear Vlogalogue..


While writing this clean I have only watched Kevin’s response and I have to agree with everything. Especially the end of his video response. About protecting your own sanity. I’m usually the one who stops arguing if it’s just about wining something and not learning about subjects etc. and then the other arguer often act like a winner. Boasting like it was great win of some kind of real battle. I never get that.
Most annoying arguments what I have been in is when one wiser person has come and said that we can’t say anything sure about the subject ‘cause we don’t know enough. I was okay with that - it’s true with many things - until right after he says that because we don’t know enough HIS version is the truth one. And I promise you.. That’s even more annoying than arguing with highly religious people.

Anyway.. Onwards to the text I originally had written.

I have to admit, this subject about being neutral has been stuck inside my head too much. Opinions are scary and in away really hard to keep up because things change a lot. Okay.. Maybe not all of the things but many of them. I hate having an opinion, I often like to be the neutral one and think all the possibilities I can - or other can - and there is usually many good ones. So why should we choose one?

This has been my problem for awhile. I got a flashback of my biological father yelling at me “You’re just like your mother! Always you don’t know anything when I ask your opinion! You never answer to me!” It seemed to be a big deal to him and I never quite understand why. Of course later on I did understand that some of the important subjects needed an answer when you had to make decision - but to him, and to many, even little things need a clear opinion. Isn’t that really stressful?

My friend told me a similar story from his workplace. There was meeting and everyone had an opinion about the subjects - or at least there were agreeing with someone else. Then finally the boss asked his opinion and he just answered that He didn’t have any. Boss was first baffled and then she laugh saying “I guess that’s also the way to go.” She hasn’t even think about not having one. Neutrality wasn’t in her mind at all. They all were so use to having an opinion that they felt like there needs to be one.

One big reason why I hate politics is that people just turn into headless chickens who had to yell their option and fight over it. I guess it’s our way to have war for now. And it seems I’m not much into war.
Also - without opinions I wouldn’t need to look names and terms for myself. I’m talking about sexuality and gender mostly. Seems that people need a term for everything so they can draw opinions out of you and put you in the box. Being just okay and neutral with things like that doesn't seem to be so easy to others - what's going to baffle me probably forever.

Even thought I seem to be loud and it’s hard to believe - I rather wouldn’t want to have an opinion. At least.. Most of the time.


Sorry for this being so short. And sorry for not fixing the Vlogalogue blog to be better.. I might do it some day but now I post this to my old blog.

Subject what I'm talking about:

Kevin's response:

And other responses for the subject are in the same channel. I'm sorry that I haven't watched those yet. Partly the reason is that I didn't want to change my text too much according to wiser people talking.. So I flied more solo that I don't chicken out.

I'll watch rest of those now.